Monday, December 1, 2008

Community Partners and Ways to help...

1. 420 Community

Drug Policy Reform Links:

Alternet: Drug Reporter

ACLU Drug Policy

Americans for Safe Access

Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy

Cannabis Culture

Cannabis News

Cato Institute: Drug War

Change the Climate

Christians for Cannabis

Common Sense for Drug Policy (CSDP)


Drug Action Network

Drug Policy Alliance

Drug Policy Forum of Illinois


A Drug War Carol

Drug War Facts

Educators for Sensible Drug Policy (EfSDP)

Daniel Forbes articles at MAP

Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR)

Fully Informed Jury Association

Harm Reduction Coalition

True High


Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

The Lindesmith Center

Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts

Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)

A Marijuana Smoker's Lounge

M.A.S.H. Action Group

Media Awareness Project (MAP)

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

Narco News


The November Coalition

Orange County NORML

Religious Leaders for a More Just and Compassionate Drug Policy Drug War Archives

Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)

Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy

U.S. Marijuana Party

Vaults of Erowid


Drug War Cheerleaders:



Pushing Back - the Drug Czar's "blog"





Media Campaign

Federal Prisons

CIA drugs

Miserable Failure at Drug Policy
2. Write a letter to the editor
The government is using your tax dollars to campaign for continuing the failed war on drugs. You can't afford to do the same advertising they can, but you can make a huge difference. A letter to the editor has the same impact as an expensive ad, but at no cost but your time and effort.

There's a fabulous resource called Media Awareness Project, which has just about every important article printed in a newspaper anywhere (usually within a day), along with contact information for writing a letter to the editor. There are even resources to help you write letters. Voluteer contributors got enough letters printed last year to be equivalent to almost $4 million worth of advertising.


3. Contact your elected officials
When issues come up in Congress, I'll give you an alert on Drug WarRant. There are also some excellent places to find out about alerts, that will walk you through an easy web process to send an email or fax to your representatives. If you have time, write a regular letter, or call their office and talk to the staff. It has even more impact. Recently, I called the office of Senator Durbin to say how much I appreciated his efforts regarding the Tandy nomination, and the staff was so happy to hear a positive word. It can really make a difference.

Go to the NORML Action site

Or visit the ACLU Drug Policy Action Site.


4. Sign up for informative newsletters has an excellent weekly newsletter with a review of what's going on in the drug war called "The Drug War Chronicle". Click on the link and sign up for the free email newsletter.

Another site with a newsletter is the Drug Policy Alliance:

Drug Sense has a weekly newsletter:

Check the list of Drug Reform Organizations on the Drug WarRant front page for more places to visit.


5. Know your rights
Go to Flex your Rights and order a copy of the DVD: "Busted"


6. Know how to talk to young people
Go to Safety First - a reality based approach to teens, drugs, and drug education, with some outstanding wiritng by Marsha Rosenbaum.


7. If you live somewhere on this planet...
Sign the international appeal for an Anti-prohibitionist Reform of Drug Laws.

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